Hey there..!! Here we go again with updates on our amazing activity. So this time is a little bit special.. Why?
Because we are taking you to the journey of our experience during the most outstanding festival of the year, THE RAINFOREST WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL 2011! Yay!! Yippie......Hoorayyy~~~~~~

Yeah! Welcome to THE RAINFOREST WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL.. Nice pose dear Mr. Policeman.. =)
As we all know, on such festival as this, there would be a huge crowd of various people from many different places. And therefore, we bought up 10 CARTONS of RBB each day for 3 days straight. Phew!
See? Michelle & I were busy arranging the drinks for the day before we started off our sampling at Santubong area.

The drinks were sold at RM3 per can during the event day itself.

We started our first activity of first day here. The main booth. This is where the company are selling their products and oh my, that was one whole bunch of colourful can drinks there. It actually looks pretty with such display isn't it? Well, what can I say? It really did attract lots of attention.. =)

After that we moved to the entrance of Santubong Resort for our sampling activity in the afternoon where we anticipated there will be more people.

Georgia doing sampling to the Traffic Policemen. It was such a hot hot day............They deserved to be energize. Lol~

Sampling to the Bus drivers as well not to forget the members going to the Rainforest. They stop at a certain point so we can get to energize all the people inside. Thank You Driver~

Our wristband on the first day for the festival... Nice and Awesome. First Day - Orange / Second Day-White/ Third Day-Red....We had a bet everyday on what the colours of the wristband for each day. LOL....~~Lame right?

On the second day, we managed to sample more policemen while we were on our way to Santubong Resort. They are the policemen who are based there for the road block inspection. They were shocked to see us stop there but eventually they are glad we are there since they need to stay there till midnight.

Well take a look at this. Hahaha. It was the booth for the Bus Asia shuttle services to Sarawak Cultural Village. Nice right? But it cost some to use the services though.
People walking around the booth and we managed to educate them on how RED BULL helps to the members of the crowd with some who actually intended to walk up to the "SCV"....
On the second day, more and more people are coming in. Traffic was bad and long queue for shuttle service... It was cool for them to just stop by and take the time to grab a bottle of REDBULL from us. It was also very cool that we get to have free shuttle service and nice parking spot for "Charlie"..

And we met lots of REDBULL lovers along the way..
We love our job... Despite under the heat of scouring sun...

This is Alicia doing sampling.. *pheewttt*
Ahemmmm!! Well see this scenery? Nice isn't it? Well, this is called the "Damai Central" in which is has just been recently built. After our sampling at Santubong, we managed to sneak a bit to the Damai Central to catch the nice scenery of "Sunset". It's so nice.....Ahhhhh~~~~

The crowd during the event itself. Cool right?
Glad to say that we actually managed to make it too to the performances by the bands in "SCV" though it wasn't that long. It was really awesome if your a music fanatic and which you really loves and enjoys music going around. Well, for me, Michelle, music is my life. =p.....
Well, we hope again to see you guys around next year with even and more bands joining in. ^^
Signing off from here,
Michelle & Georgia