Monday, October 24, 2011

Dragon Boat Festival 2011 @ Putrajaya.

The 1st INTERNATIONAL DRAGON BOAT FEDERATION (IDBF) CANCER SURVIVORS WORLD CUP 2011 was held in conjunction with the MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL (MIDBF) at the Putrajaya Water Sports Complex from 20th to 23rd October 2011.

The event was organised by W.P. Putrajaya Dragon Boat Association (WPPDBA) in collaboration with Putrajaya Corporation (PPJ), Youth and Sports Ministry, Tourism Malaysia, Federal Territory and Urban Wellbeing Ministry, Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry and Malaysia Dragon Boat Association (MDBA) in affiliation with the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF). It attracted local and international participations, thus there were many spectators and tourists with mass media coverage. The Star reported that approximately 60 teams participated during the three day duration, withteams comprising 1500 participants from 14 countries, including Canada, Australie, Japan, China, Singapore, Indonesia and Phillipines.

A few teams were seen training on Thursday prior to the event in the scorching hot sun. Ive taken several shots of the surrounding area as well.

This was on the first day of the event and those are the EMY girls working alongside me. Spot the kind contestant who offered to help us shift the icebox to Redbull's booth :)

Tourists and medias were everywhere.

Participants were seen warming up for the race.

Participants in PINK represents the Pink Challengers.

Energizing some teams before they start racing because Redbull allows them to focus better and ensure quicker reaction times!

These are part of the equipments used for the race.

Redbull has a booth there as well. Amongst the products sold were Redbull drinks and SunSnacks .

The exciting race.

Sampling the contestants after the race. Redbull aids in their body recovery and recuperation after an intense session of working out!

Audience and supporters were everywhere! Some even sunbathed along the lake!

This event was supported by Redbull throughout the whole 4 day course!

This post entry was brought to you by Eeteng of Central team. Have a good day!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

~Petronas Penrissen Grand Opening

Hello People,
How are you all? We are from another team where we went out together on the same date 8th Oct for sampling too but our destination was quite near to our office though. It is their Grand Opening and so we managed to go there to conduct sampling since it would be a very good opportunity for us to educate people on how RB helps them especially when they are driving and even working.

So let the pictures do the talk shall we??

This is basically where we park our car for more visibility. We reached there quite early though to set up the things needed and ensure all the stocks are chilled.

The start-off of the ceremony...

Some belief that the lion will have to eat the cabbage as provided .....And before.......!!!!

And after..........!!!!1 Cool right....

Well of course not to forget our main purpose there to get everyone energized since it is a very hot Saturday Morning. Everyone are so happy to see us ...

Yih Lin explaining about the functionality of RB to the consumer....

While I am also being captured while doing the sampling.....

The lunch as provided and believe it or not, we managed to have some lunch there since we are there for the whole day.......

The 2 little Angels taking some food. Nice right? Lol.....

I guess that is all for now. Thanks

Written by:
Yih Lin & Mun Yin

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Samarahan Open 2011 (Golf)

Dear All,

Here we are back again on the road to get all the people energized throughout every single day. Last Week, we managed to get back on the grass with the "buggy" going on around getting ............. energized. Guess who we sampled? is the golfers. Well it is clear and obvious that with the word "Buggy", everyone knows what it means and where you are. Lol.............
So we have been to this Samarahan Open 2011 golf tournament apparently. This time, we actually brought quite few materials and items there and of course not to forget about our "Beach Flag" where we had it placed on the tee box 1 & 10. We had our banners near their point collection board too and as well their back drop which consist of our logo.

Let the pictures do the talking for now;

This are basically all the locations we had for our branding as one of the Official Energy Drinks for the golfers.They are still more but we didn't manage to capture it.

Owh...Look. They are having our RB energy drinks for better concentration and to help them to regulate their body temperature where they are constantly exposed to the direct striking hot sun. It also helps them for better precision so they score "Birdie". hahahaha

Golfers are enjoying our presence and they are most happier that we are they to energize them. RED BULL........

Ok..Now here is the interesting part where we want to share with all of you. Hahahaha. OMG.....It is so cute. Even golfers are putting and using this.....

Oh Geez, they are all so so cute and adorable.

And as usual, our team Angels are most happy and energetic to be there to get everyone energized......

Thereafter, followed by a dinner and Prize-Giving.

And the dinner was really a "Grand Dinner"....

I guess that's about it and we had loads and loads of FUN there especially energizing people around in a buggy provided to us but of course under the supervision of one assigned staff to us. Lol

Logging Off

Alicia, Karen, Siaw Hui & Georgia


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