Hello Hello~! :)
How was your last weekend? I hope it was filled with fun and laughter!
Wonder where we were last Sunday? We were actually enjoying ourselves and ENERGIZING fellow mountain bikers at the exciting event held in Sematan, Kuching. It's called the "Shimano Polygon Sematan MTB Endurance Challenge 2011.
There were more than 200 of participants for this event and boy, were they so fully-spirited to put their limits to test in this (we would say it was VERY CHALLENGING) competition!
The weather was actually very bright and sunny in the morning, but towards evening time, Kuching's recent wet spell hit Sematan again and these bikers were cycling under the heavy downpours and not to forget strong wind too!
Alright, from here we shall let the photos do the talking :D
This is the starting point as well as the terminal point for
Shimano Polygon Sematan MTB Endurance Challenge 2011.


Mun Yin was the driver of the day (pic left)! it took us around 2 hours to reach destination from Kuching!
Alicia was busy settling up the booth and rubbish bin before the mountain bikers reached our check point.... (pic right)

(pic left above) - Shirly was working meticulously on stabilising the flag beach's stand!
(pic right above) - Alicia helped out - showing team angel's spir
it of teamwork and always back each other up! :D *love*
And tata~ teamwork made everything simpler and faster! Booth was set up and we were all ready to energise people~!!
Waiting for participants to reach our Check Point 3!!
And here they were, after waiting for some time!
We couldn't wait to see how they were doing and also ENERGISE them!

We could see participants' energy running low and in need of Redbull to boost up their energy so that they could continue on with the challenge! Some of them still have very long way to go to reach the finishing line!

there were few participants that had the same problem - suffering from legs cramp as they were cycling from morning till noon! We already could imagine how long they have cycled, it's really NO EASY!! so they had to lay on the ground and rest for awhile!
Unfortunately we didn’t manage to sample till the end due to the heavy downpour and wind that refused to surrender! However, we were very delighted that we were there for the participants at the moment they need red bull the most to further boost up their energy level to continue battling with the harsh challenge...!
this was one of the bikers who able to finish the journey in the time given.

they got a REDBULL BOTTLE and a Medal.

Soon it was time to go back to Kuching.....
We were driving carefully all the way from Sematan back to Kuching under the rain.....
Well, that's all for now from team angel yeah?! We'll be back for more! :D take care!
Signing off,
You guys look great in the new uniform! *thumbs up*