It was 4.00am..............and we had to drag our feet to the office by 5.00am...
5.30am Reach Relau Sports Complex
6.00am Start distributing Red Bull to all the participants @ Registration counter
7.30am Flag off!!
Red Bull just recently sponsored the Kayuh Lasak Jamboree 2011, organized by the Knights of The Round Table (KOTRT). This year is their 9th edition of the competition and it was indeed a record breaking history!
A total of 1,500 participants signed up just within 12 hours of registration and it was due to the limitation to preserve the trail that the organizer had to close the registration.
Tiring it was, but worth it as we see sooooooo many handsome and macho, ehem..i mean, cute and muscular, ehem ehem...what i really mean was...(ahhh...nevermind!)
Here's the pics!
oh oh...did i mention WE WERE IN THE NEWS?!!
Check out Guang Ming Daily @ 5/12/11
(where where?? there there...the 1st pic!!)

hey,may i have that red bull girl facebook ,who with blue shirt n red pant when kayuh lasak event.? i am looking for few photo at kayuh lasak event …………^^ thx ya